Active pedagogical strategies: a project-based approach for teaching statistics in higher education
Statistics education, innovative pedagogy, active learning, pedagogical strategy, analytical skills, educational innovationAbstract
Introduction: This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the research project method as a pedagogical strategy for teaching descriptive statistics to students at the Faculty of Education and Humanities, a public university in Peru. The research focused on comparing the learning outcomes of an experimental group using this method with a control group employing traditional teaching methods. Methods: A quasi-experimental design was used, involving pre- and post-tests to assess the learning levels of students in various dimensions of descriptive statistics, including collection, tabulation, processing, presentation, and analysis. The sample consisted of second-cycle students from the faculty, divided into experimental and control groups. Results: The results revealed significant improvements in the experimental group, with 67% of students achieving an excellent learning level, compared to 73% of the control group reaching only a regular level. A t-value of 17.09 confirmed the statistical significance of the difference in performance. The experimental group demonstrated enhanced proficiency in data collection, processing, presentation, and analysis, particularly in the presentation dimension, where scores increased from 1.87 to 3.68 points. Conclusion: The findings indicate that the research project method significantly enhances the learning of descriptive statistics, fostering critical analytical skills essential for academic and professional success. The study suggests the method’s potential for broader application across disciplines and educational contexts, recommending further research on its long-term effectiveness and its impact on student motivation and self-efficacy.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Carmela Elisa Salvador Rosado, Luis Manuel Vargas Vásquez, Jesús Antonio Salvador Rosado, Rosana La Torre Bocanegra, Freddy Manuel Camacho Delgado

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