Pro-environmental behavior of learners using CADMIACA model
Pro-Environmental Behavior, CADMIACA Model, Structural Equation Modeling, Junior and Senior High School Students, PhilippinesAbstract
This research provides clear perspective with broad spectrum on the pro-environmental behavior (PEB) of learners. It sought to determine the level of awareness, attitudes, intention, motivation, environmental social interaction, environmental education and green behavior of learners, and the significant relationship and significant difference among the variables. The researcher utilized the descriptive-qualitative survey method; through the use of a questionnaire backed up with Key Informant Interview (KII) and triangulated by Focus Group Discussion (FGD). CADMIACA, the model of this research, are from the theories of Comprehensive Action Determination Model (CADM) Motivational, Interpersonal ones (MI) and the Action Competence Approach (ACA). For the empirically causal relationship among variables, structural equation methodology (SEM) was initiated. The study included 384 learners from junior and senior high school of NDDU-IBED Lagao, General Santos City, school year 2017-2018. Overall, there is no significant difference on the PEB of junior and senior high school learners; they had a moderate energy-saving behavior and high level of environmental education. On the other hand, there is a significant difference in the attitude and global warming of students. Another study is recommended, using other respondents from a subdivision or barangay to determine whether social status might affect the totality of PEB of an individual.
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