Cystic hygroma and the importance in its prenatal diagnosis
Hygroma; prenatal; diagnosis; newborn.Abstract
Introduction: Cystic hygroma is a congenital malformation of the lymphatic system that presents as single cavities filled with fluid, more frequently at the cervical level and can be associated with genetic syndromes and malformations. Objective: To carry out a systematic review through the study of cystic hygroma and its importance in its prenatal diagnosis. Methodology: A qualitative systematic review of the studies focused on cystic hygroma was carried out. Literature search techniques included search engines such as Medline (Pubmed), Scielo, Elseiver. A total of 20 items are included. Results: Cystic hygromas are endothelial cell-covered cysts that arise from lymphatic malformations. Many of them affect the cervical lymph nodes and occur in the neck region. Other preferred locations are the axilla, mediastinum, groin, and retroperitoneal area, where these cystic lesions are present at birth. Conclusions: The importance of prenatal diagnosis methods are fundamental to know the potential problems that the R.N. after his birth.
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