Sizing strategies for electrical smart microgrids for rural customers
microgrids, sizing, rural.Abstract
Micro Smart Grids are configured in the panorama of technological areas related to clean energies, as an alternative for the efficient distribution of electric energy. For this purpose, the present study aimed to carry out a documentary analysis of the sizing strategies of smart microgrids for rural users. The research was carried out from the approach of a documentary-bibliographic research. In this framework, the search was carried out in the Internet database of sites specialized in academic information and reliable sources using the descriptors: electric microgrids, strategies, sizing. For the selection of the material under analysis, the following criteria were taken into consideration: pertinence, relevance, language, place of origin, published in indexed journals during the years 2017 to 2021. Based on this, the content analysis of the information found in the literary sources collected was performed. Of the total number of documents used, seven (07) of them were considered for the analysis as they were considered to be the ones that most accurately matched the interests of this study. The results found show that: The integration of distributed energy resources (distributed generation and energy storage), are resulting in a great revolution in generation, transmission, distribution, operation and energy consumption, among others. It is concluded that microgrids become one of the support strategies for the conventional electrical grid that can help in the purpose of undertaking actions for the development of projects aimed at generating a process of allocation or improvement in the supply of electricity in rural localities.
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