Optimization of the use and management of social networks in the process of business start-ups
Entrepreneurs, social networks, commercial businessAbstract
This research aimed to establish the relationship between social networks and entrepreneurship, in order to design a methodological guide to optimize the use and management of social networks among entrepreneurs operating in the Esmeraldas canton of Ecuador. The methodology was descriptive-correlational, non-experimental. The population was 120 business entrepreneurs. The data were collected in an interview with Likert scale questionnaire. Results: indicator interpersonal networks, 45% neither agree nor disagree in the use of the networks of greater social use; interorganizational networks, 50% agree in relating to the social networks of other related businesses; formal networks, 50% agree in making use of the different social networks of related entrepreneurs; informal networks, 43% neither agree nor disagree, in have personal and permanent interactions with the users of social networks for economic benefit; formation of the entrepreneur, 47% neither agree nor disagree with personal self-realization; promotion of the value of entrepreneurship and innovation, 50% agree that social networks allow them to disseminate the services; development of a support ecosystem; 49% agree that they support each other in the dissemination of their services with other entrepreneurs; the social networks variable, 37% agree that social networks are necessary to achieve effective entrepreneurship; the entrepreneurship variable, 38% agree with the elements of entrepreneurship development. There is dependence between the variables, thus, the entrepreneurship variable is being affected by the Social Networks variable. Conclusion: it is necessary to design a methodological guide for the use and management of social networks in entrepreneurs of commercial businesses operating.
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