Human talent management and job performance: a non-experimental study in an interregional clinic




Talent, workers, job performance, human management, efficiency


The main objective of the study was to determine the relationship between human talent management and job performance, using as contextual analysis the workers of the Interregional clinic in the city of Bagua, Peru, 2023. The main methodological approach was quantitative, relational and non-experimental design. The population consisted of 14 collaborators. Specifically, the main technique used was the survey. The results showed that human talent management is 35.7% accurate (medium level) and job performance is 57.2% (high level), also the correlation between the variables was 0.71, being in a high and positive correlation and the p-value was 0.004, that is enough statistical significance. Therefore, the conclusion is that both variables are correlated, confirming the hypothesis of the study. Finally, some practical recommendations are pointed out based on the results.

Author Biography

Jhonn Deymer García Dávila, César Vallejo University (UCV), Peru. Faculty of Economic Sciences

Graduate Researcher. César Vallejo University (UCV), Peru. Faculty of Economic Sciences


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How to Cite

García Dávila, J. D. . (2023). Human talent management and job performance: a non-experimental study in an interregional clinic. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(4), e23054.



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