Analyzing the Ecuadorian purchasing power: family income vs. basic market basket




Purchasing Power, Basic Market Basket, Family Income, Minimum Wage, Ecuador


The basic market basket (BMB) is a set of goods and services that are essential for meeting the basic needs of a household comprising four members. The family income in Ecuador is calculated from the monthly salary of the household members, where 1.6 out of the four members contribute to the family income. Specifically, purchasing power is the ability of a person or a group as consumers to acquire a set of goods and services. The study was divided into three main parts. In the first part, we looked for correlations among the BMB, the family income, and the purchasing power of Ecuadorians. In the second part, we forecasted the price of the BMB for each remaining month of 2023. The best model was SVR, this model obtained a MAPE= 0.3666% in the testing step and a MAPE= 0.1466% in the validation step. Furthermore, the third phase involved the analysis of the monthly Ecuadorian purchasing power for 2023. In this case, the Purchasing power starts at 9.66% in April and ends at 8.07(%) in December, meaning a surplus from $74.01 to $62.69 respectively. According to the SVR predictions, an Ecuadorian family earning the minimum family income (i.e. $840 for 2023) can save $839.59 a year. This means a family has to save almost 18 years to buy a brand new cheap family car, or it takes an Ecuadorian family more than 24 years to save for a 60m2 average cheap house.

Author Biography

Juan Riofrío, School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of Yachay Tech University, Ecuador

Currently works as a teaching technician at the School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences of Yachay Tech University. Graduated as an Information Technology (IT) Engineer from Yachay Tech University and as a Master in Information Systems, mention in business intelligence and big data analytics from Escuela Politecnica Nacional (EPN). For more information please visit


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How to Cite

Riofrío, J. (2024). Analyzing the Ecuadorian purchasing power: family income vs. basic market basket. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(1), e24005.



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