A bibliometric analysis of literature trends in content marketing and content managers





Content management, marketing, scientific production, bibliometric analysis, articles


The topic of marketing and content management has a considerable number of articles where the topic has been contextualized according to remarkable authors. However, there are few bibliometric studies in scientific journals on the subject addressed. The objective of the research is to analyze the evolution and trend of scientific production articles between the years 2018-2023; In the Scopus and Web of Science databases, and the VOSviewer tool was used through the bibliometric method, which allows the identification of the main authors and keywords through metric mappings. In this context, an exploratory qualitative analysis was carried out with guiding questions to evaluate the indexes of publications in the identification of years, journals, areas of knowledge, and countries. The results show that the year with the highest number of publications is 2022, and the countries with the most articles were: the United States and England; As for the most outstanding journals are the European Journal Of Marketing and the Journal Of Business Research; the field of knowledge the most outstanding areas are: Business, Management and Accounting/Business.

Author Biographies

César Andrés Guerrero Velástegui, Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

PhD in Social Sciences with a mention in Management, Master in Business Administration, Master in Human Resources Management, Master in Digital Marketing and E-commerce, Business Engineer, Lawyer. Accredited as a Researcher by SENESCYT and as a Trainer by the MDT. Research Professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. Director of the Marketing, Consumer and Society Research Group. Principal Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator and Researcher in several Projects. Responsible for the Internship Program. Administrative Academic Director of Master's programs at the UTA Graduate Center. Undergraduate and postgraduate university lecturer at various universities. Former Director of Human Talent in several HEIs. It has several academic products such as Books, Book Chapters, Papers and Published Scientific Articles.

Ruth Elizabeth Infante Paredes, Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Master's Degree in Linguistics and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching. Higher Diploma in Communicative Methodologies of the English Language. Degree in Applied Linguistics with a major in Language Teaching. Research Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education of the Technical University of Ambato. Principal Coordinator, Deputy Coordinator, and Researcher in several Projects approved by DIDE-UTA. Former Coordinator of Postgraduate Studies at the Faculty of Human Sciences and Education. Undergraduate and postgraduate university lecturer at various universities. It has several academic products such as Books, Book Chapters, Papers, and Published Scientific Articles.

Santiago Xavier Peñaherrera Zambrano, Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Master's Degree in Strategic Business Management. Higher Diploma in University Educational Informatics. Commercial Engineer. Bachelor of Administrative Sciences and Marketing Administrator. Research Professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. Deputy Administrative Vice-Rector. Member of the University and Academic Council, Departmental Director, Career Coordinator, Director of Human Talent in various periods at UTA. Undergraduate and postgraduate university lecturer at various universities. It has several academic products such as Books, Book Chapters, Papers and Published Scientific Articles.

José Bernardo Herrera Herrera, Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Master's Degree in Strategic Business Management. Business Engineer with a degree in Administrative Sciences and a Marketing Administrator. Research Professor at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Technical University of Ambato. Departmental Director, Career Coordinator, and Director of Human Talent in various periods at UTA. Undergraduate and postgraduate university lecturer at various universities. It has several academic products such as Books, Book Chapters, Papers, and Published Scientific Articles.


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How to Cite

Guerrero Velástegui, C. A., Infante Paredes, R. E., Peñaherrera Zambrano, S. X., & Herrera Herrera, . J. B. (2024). A bibliometric analysis of literature trends in content marketing and content managers. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(2), e24023 . https://doi.org/10.51798/sijis.v5i2.734



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