Impact of tax benefits on Peruvian companies' financial results




Tax optimisation, economic management, financial sustainability, public policy, business training, financial technologies, fiscal innovation


This study investigates how tax benefits influence corporate profitability in companies in Chachapoyas, Peru, emphasising the importance of proper fiscal management to improve financial performance. The relevance of tax incentives in profitability management is discussed, and challenges associated with legislative uncertainty and the lack of tax training are examined, which limit efficiency in resource management and the optimisation of financial assets. Using a quantitative approach, financial and tax data are analysed to examine the relationship between tax benefits and corporate profitability in a natural context, employing descriptive and inferential analysis techniques with SPSS software. The findings indicate a significantly positive correlation between tax benefits and profitability, demonstrating that tax optimisation can support sustainable economic growth for businesses. A deficiency in the knowledge and application of efficient tax strategies is identified. The study highlights the need for educational and tax optimisation programmes to improve tax management in businesses, which can contribute to a broader tax base and greater state capacity to finance essential public services. The article provides an applied and strategic perspective on fiscal and economic management, offering valuable implications for public policy formulation and corporate decision-making, and highlighting the importance of a holistic approach that integrates fiscal, financial, and corporate management.

Author Biographies

Lizbet Yaqueline Detquizan Ramirez, Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Graduate Researcher. Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Sarita Ester Ullilen Goña, Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Graduate Researcher, Universidad César Vallejo

Victor Hugo Puican Rodriguez, Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

University Professor and researcher at Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Diego Isidro Ferré López, Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Graduate Researcher at Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Abel Salazar Asalde, Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Graduate Researcher at Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Waldemar Ramón García Vera, Universidad César Vallejo, Peru

Graduate Researcher at Universidad César Vallejo, Peru


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How to Cite

Detquizan Ramirez, L. Y., Ullilen Goña, S. E., Puican Rodriguez, V. H., Ferré López, D. I., Salazar Asalde, A., & García Vera, W. R. (2024). Impact of tax benefits on Peruvian companies’ financial results. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3), e24056.



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