Social support perceived by the patient in home recovery




social support; patient; home recovery; MOS questionnaire


Background: Family and extrafamilial participation is the support provided to people in a state of vulnerability, therefore, recovery after hospital discharge tends to be the responsibility of individuals close to the environment, facilitating the recovery stage, allowing the commitment of family and close friends, and preventing hospital readmission; Methods: A quantitative, non-experimental design, cross-sectional and descriptive research was developed, which consisted of patients discharged from the Hospital Municipal Nuestra Señora de La Merced in the quarter August - October 2023, to whom the MOS questionnaire of social support was applied; Results: Female gender predominated in the study by 51%, with ages ranging from 18 to 30 years in 36%; in the whole sample predominates the MEDIUM range with 63% in social support index, 65% in emotional support, 63% in material support, 60% in positive social interaction and 42% in affective support; Conclusions: The support given to people during their recovery at home influences the progress of recovery, therefore, consideration and understanding in them is important; a large percentage of respondents receive good support from their family and friends in their recovery process at home.

Author Biographies

Karen Dayana Chasi Morocho, Faculty of Health Sciences. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Graduate Researcher, Faculty of Health Sciences. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Fabiola Beatriz Chasillacta Amores, Faculty of Health Sciences. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

University Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Chasi Morocho, K. D., & Chasillacta Amores, F. B. (2024). Social support perceived by the patient in home recovery. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(2), e24024.



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