Economic valuation of carbon sequestration in Quito’s Metropolitan Park using Sentinel-2 and neural networks




Carbon credits, remote sensing, Sentinel-2, neural networks, forest biomass, carbon estimation.


This study introduces an innovative method for assessing the economic value of carbon stored by the urban park forest in Quito, Ecuador. The method uses Sentinel-2 remote sensing data and advanced deep learning techniques. A large forest study area was chosen, and detailed field measurements were taken to gather biomass and carbon data. Sentinel-2 satellite images were processed to correct for radiation and atmospheric conditions, and vegetation indices such as NDVI and EVI were calculated. To model forest biomass, a convolutional neural network (CNN) was created and trained using Sentinel-2 spectral bands and vegetation indices. The model was validated with independent field data and demonstrated high accuracy in estimating biomass and carbon, as indicated by evaluation metrics like RMSE and R². The findings include detailed maps showing the spatial distribution of biomass and carbon in the study area, which can be a valuable tool for forest management and the implementation of policies for valuing stored carbon. This approach combines the high resolution of Sentinel-2 data with the predictive power of neural networks, providing a robust and scalable method for estimating carbon across large forest areas. The study's conclusions emphasize the feasibility and accuracy of this approach and its potential for application in various forestry and geographical contexts.

Author Biographies

Jaime Vladimir Sancho Zurita, Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón, Ecuador

Instituto Superior Tecnológico Japón, Ecuador. Systems Engineer, MSc in Computer Science

Ximena Luz Crespo Nuñez, Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas, Ecuador

Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas, Ecuador. Master in Biodiversity and Climate Change. Environmental Management Engineer


Robert Augusto Samaniego Garrido, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador

Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador. PhD in Management, MSc in Strategic Management, Finance Engineer

Mónica Paola Sancho Solano, Independent Researcher

Independent Researcher. UTPL, Ecuador. Master in Territorial Planning, Civil Engineer and Lawyer.


Gonzalo Napoleón Cadena Echeverria, Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas, Ecuador

Universidad de Especialidades Turísticas, Ecuador. Lecturer, Master's Degree in Tourism Development Management. Business Engineer.


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How to Cite

Sancho Zurita, J. V., Crespo Nuñez, X. L., Samaniego Garrido, R. A., Sancho Solano, M. P., & Cadena Echeverria, . G. N. (2024). Economic valuation of carbon sequestration in Quito’s Metropolitan Park using Sentinel-2 and neural networks. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3), e24059.



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