Impact of a chamber orchestra in the university environment: analysis of the development of artistic and cultural skills




Culture, music, chamber orchestra, skill, music performance, university


The objective of this research was to explain the importance of the creation of the chamber orchestra established in the Faculty of Human Education Sciences and Technologies, the career of Pedagogy in Arts and Humanities of the National University of Chimborazo in the year 2023, through the review of scientific data and theoretical foundation, in order to demonstrate the musical and cultural artistic development. The research had a qualitative approach by virtue of the fact that a more personal interaction was required, and the level of research was analytical-synthetic, inductive - deductive, which helped to form the theoretical considerations of the chamber orchestra and its purpose in the university environment. Applying the technique of interviewing students and art professionals with trajectory and transcendental characteristics for the research.  As results were obtained that the creation of the chamber orchestra has substantial benefits for university students, demonstrating improvement in discipline, development of skills, attitudes, and abilities, achieving academic, social-cultural benefits, encouraging teamwork and collaboration through practice and group performance in addition to gaining stage experience, which is crucial for the student of music and other fields related to the arts.  The chamber orchestra, considered a jewel in the world of classical music, promotes the cultural and social diversity of the university community.

Author Biographies

Edison Fabian Tigse Diaz, Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo (UNACH), Ecuador

Professor and Researcher at Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo (UNACH), Ecuador

Paulo David Herrera Latorre, Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo (UNACH), Ecuador

Professor and Researcher at Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo (UNACH), Ecuador

Lenin Miguel Garces Viteri, Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo (UNACH), Ecuador

Professor and Researcher at Universidad Nacional De Chimborazo (UNACH), Ecuador

Liliana Elizabeth Laica Tasinchana, Universidad Católica de Argentina (UCA)

Graduate Researcher, Universidad Católica de Argentina (UCA)


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How to Cite

Tigse Diaz, E. F., Herrera Latorre, P. D., Garces Viteri, L. M., & Laica Tasinchana, . L. E. (2024). Impact of a chamber orchestra in the university environment: analysis of the development of artistic and cultural skills. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(2), e24028.



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