Perceived quality of care in patients with high blood pressure in primary health care




high blood pressure; primary health care; patient satisfaction; quality of health care; older adult.


Background: the study analyzed the quality of care perceived by patients with high blood pressure in a health center in Ecuador, considering dimensions such as accessibility, opportunity, continuity, comprehensiveness, and cultural competence of the services. Hypertension in older adults represents a public health problem in the region. Objective: To analyze the quality of care perceived in patients with Arterial Hypertension in Primary Health Care. Methods: quantitative, transversal, and descriptive design. The sample was 40 patients over 65 years of age with HTN. A validated 10-item questionnaire was applied to perceived quality in several dimensions: accessibility, opportunity, continuity, comprehensiveness, and cultural competence. Results: limitations were evident in the capacity to respond to urgent needs, lack of continuity in care by the same professional, deficiencies in mental health counseling, and moderate dissatisfaction with services. Conclusions: there are significant gaps in the quality of primary care for hypertensive patients regarding accessibility, opportunity, comprehensiveness, and cultural competence. Improvements are required in these areas to ensure more responsive and patient-centered care.

Author Biographies

Joselin Elizabeth Serrano Aldaz, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Graduate Researcher, Faculty of Health Sciences. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Grace Pamela López Pérez, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

University Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences. Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Serrano Aldaz, J. E., & López Pérez, G. P. (2024). Perceived quality of care in patients with high blood pressure in primary health care. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(SI1), e24S01.