Plyometric exercises program in lower limbs to boost the jumping capacity in female basketball players under 12




Physical exercise; Lower limbs; Muscular strength; Leap; Basketball


Background: The benefits of a plyometric program for the healthy athlete, have been demonstrated through studies. Plyometric exercise is one of the most efficient training methods available. Over time, it could be said it will provide the greatest transferability for its application in sports. The exercises can be used to strengthen and improve jumping in athletes of all ages. Objective: to implement a plyometric exercise program to boost the jumping ability of U12 female basketball players.  Methods: the type of longitudinal analytical study, with a quantitative approach, was developed in 16 participants of the Isabel de Godin Educational Unit of Riobamba City, province of Chimborazo, Ecuador.  The intervention was carried out twice a week in each of the sportswomen in the under-12 female category. My Jump 2 software was used for the initial and final evaluation, and the Wilcoxon method was used. Results: through the My Jump software, there was predominance above the average of 31.3%, the average of 62.5%, and below the average of 6.3% in the hypothesis testing of the My Jump 2 software.  The p-value was p<0 (asymptotic significance) so the null hypothesis is rejected. Conclusions: it was determined that the exercise program was effective in improving jumping capacity.

Author Biographies

Alex Roberto Martínez Reinoso, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Graduate researcher, Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation with Mention in Neuromusculoskeletal. Faculty of Health Sciences, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. 

Alex Patricio Alvaro Erazo, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Graduate researcher, Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation with Mention in Neuromusculoskeletal. Faculty of Health Sciences, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. 

Gerardo Fernando Fernández Soto, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Professor and Graduate researcher. Faculty of Health Sciences, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Yajaira Mishell Sánchez Sánchez, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Graduate researcher, Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation with Mention in Neuromusculoskeletal. Faculty of Health Sciences, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador. 

Silvana Beatriz Solíz Crespo, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador

Graduate researcher, Master in Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation with Mention in Neuromusculoskeletal. Faculty of Health Sciences, Technical University of Ambato, Ecuador


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How to Cite

Martínez Reinoso, A. R., Alvaro Erazo, A. P., Fernández Soto, G. F., Sánchez Sánchez, Y. M., & Solíz Crespo, S. B. (2024). Plyometric exercises program in lower limbs to boost the jumping capacity in female basketball players under 12. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(SI1), e24S02.