Logistics optimization and inventory control in Peruvian grocery companies





operational efficiency, financial restructuring, supply chain, demand planning, advanced technologies, financing strategies


The company being analyzed, which specializes in selling groceries, faces significant challenges in its logistics management. Lack of supply chain visibility prevents informed inventory decisions, resulting in product overages or shortages. Supply chain delays affect profitability, and inaccurate demand planning generates additional costs and financial losses. This study, which is relevant to the Sustainable Development Goals, mainly in combating poverty through the economic success of SMEs, evaluates the effectiveness of logistics management in inventory control. The results show an increase in ending inventory by 105.12% and a decrease in inventory turnover by 29.29%, suggesting a strategic accumulation of stock. In addition, an improvement in the company's liquidity was observed, with an increase in total current assets by 107.66% and a financial restructuring oriented towards expansion projects. These findings underscore efficient logistics management's importance in optimizing resources and improving customer satisfaction. Future research should focus on the integration of advanced technologies and the implementation of sustainable financing strategies to further improve operational efficiency and profitability.

Author Biographies

Mirian Isela Díaz Lara, Faculty of Business Sciences, Universidad Cesar Vallejo (UCV), Peru

Graduate Research - Faculty of Business Sciences, Universidad Cesar Vallejo (UCV), Peru

Manyet Jimena Pusma Huachez, Faculty of Business Sciences, Universidad Cesar Vallejo (UCV), Peru

Graduate Research - Faculty of Business Sciences, Universidad Cesar Vallejo (UCV), Peru


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How to Cite

Díaz Lara, M. I., & Pusma Huachez, M. J. (2024). Logistics optimization and inventory control in Peruvian grocery companies. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(3), e24061. https://doi.org/10.51798/sijis.v5i3.788



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