Environmental attitude of junior high school students: Basis for proposed intervention


  • Jhester Hornejas Sta. Cruz National High School, Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur, Philippines




education, environmental attitude, junior high school students, intervention scheme


The study was carried out to determine the significant difference of the environmental attitude of Junior High School students when analysed in terms of demographic profile.  Non-experimental descriptive-survey research design was utilized using mean, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) as the statistical tools in data treatment. The findings revealed a high extent of environmental attitude of students with a high extent of environmental awareness, attitude towards recovery, attitudes towards recycling and environmental consciousness and behaviour indicators. Furthermore, the study revealed no significant difference in the level of environmental attitude when analyzed by age and gender. However, there is significant difference in the year level. Hence, the null hypothesis pertaining to no significant difference of year level was rejected and these findings became the basis of the proposed intervention scheme.

Author Biography

Jhester Hornejas, Sta. Cruz National High School, Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur, Philippines

Sta. Cruz National High School, Sta. Cruz Davao del Sur, Philippines


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How to Cite

Hornejas, . J. . (2021). Environmental attitude of junior high school students: Basis for proposed intervention. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2(1), 298–314. https://doi.org/10.51798/sijis.v2i1.79