Anthropometric evaluation and emotional alterations in adolescents
Teen, Nutritional condition, Eating habits, Mental health, Adolescent BehaviorAbstract
Introduction: Adolescence is a period characterized by physiological, psychological, and behavioral changes, which can cause malnutrition affecting the emotional state. Objective: Describe the anthropometric evaluation and emotional alterations in adolescents. Methods: This quantitative, non-experimental, cross-sectional study was conducted in Ambato, Ecuador, from September 2023 to February 2024. The population consisted of 49 students from the Intercultural Bilingual Educational Unit of Chimborazo Province, aged 12-14. Anthropometric evaluation and validated psychological questionnaires were applied. Results: Among the adolescents with low weight: 11 boys aged 13.2±1.0, weight 42.5±7.9 kg, height 1.54±0.08 m, BMI 17.6±1.5 kg/m², waist circumference 69.5±3.7 cm, hip circumference 82.1±5.9 cm, and WHR 0.85±0.05. 12 girls aged 12 showed partially inadequate eating habits and low physical activity levels. Internalizing problems included abnormal emotional symptoms (12.24%) in 13-year-old girls and 14-year-old boys, and borderline social withdrawal (12.24%) in 12-year-old girls and 13-year-old boys. Externalizing problems included abnormal behavior (16.32%) in 12- and 14-year-old girls, normal hyperactivity (16.32%) in 12-year-old girls, and an abnormal prosocial scale (18.36%) in 12- and 14-year-old girls. Depression was mild (14.29%) in 14-year-old boys. Adolescents with normal weight showed internalizing problems (24.49%) in 14-year-old girls, while low-weight adolescents exhibited externalizing problems (20.41%) in 14-year-old boys. Conclusions: The highest frequency was evident in adolescents with low weight, abnormal emotional symptoms, borderline social withdrawal, abnormal prosocial scale, normal weight at 14 years of age, internalizing problems in girls, and externalizing problems in low-weight boys.
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