Educational model and research levels in the professional training of lawyers




Law education, pedagogical research, law training, skills development, learning, pre-vocational education, scientific research, Ecuador


The professional training of lawyers in a globalized context, where knowledge, social, and natural phenomena significantly impact people's quality of life and the environment, is a complex process. Fundamental changes in the educational model and teaching-learning processes are required to address the future challenges of a constantly changing world. This manuscript aims to analyze the research levels proposed in the educational models of Higher Education Institutions and their relationship with the professional training of lawyers in Ecuador. The researchers used a mixed approach, applying inductive, analytical, and descriptive methods. The research is descriptive and has a non-experimental design. The study included 50 eighth-semester students and 20 research professors of the Law career from public universities in Zone 3 of Ecuador. A Likert model questionnaire with 6 questions was administered. The results indicate that the educational model and the levels of research applied in the professional training of lawyers are not aligned with constitutional and legal provisions. Therefore, it is concluded that the research results do not address the needs and problems of social environments and contexts, and do not have a significant positive impact on the quality of life of citizens.

Author Biographies

Carlos Ernesto Herrera Acosta, National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador

Lecturer, National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador

Mayra Estefanía Yépez Salguero, National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador

Lecturer, National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador

Alex Mauricio Duchicela Carrillo, National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador

Lecturer, National University of Chimborazo, Ecuador

Evelyn Rafaela Yépez Salguero, Lawyer, External Graduate Researcher, Ecuador

Graduate Student Coordinator of the "Dolores Cacuango" Research Incubator-UNACH 2023 1S. Ecuador


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How to Cite

Herrera Acosta, C. E., Yépez Salguero, M. E., Duchicela Carrillo, A. M., & Yépez Salguero, E. R. (2024). Educational model and research levels in the professional training of lawyers. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(4), e24064.



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