Conditional cash transfer program, child malnutrition and school dropout in the high Andean region of Peru




JUNTOS Program, conditional cash transfer program, chronic child malnutrition, school dropout, poverty


The conditional cash transfer program (CCT) in Peru aims to promote positive behaviors by providing financial support to families on the condition that they commit to ensuring their children's health and education. This research aimed to assess the impact of the National Program of Direct Support to the Poorest, known as JUNTOS, on chronic child malnutrition and school dropout among beneficiaries in the Apurimac region in 2023. The study used a quantitative research method with a cross-sectional, causal correlational design. The hypotheses were tested using the chi-square coefficient and Nagelkerke. The population included 405,759 beneficiary families, and the sample consisted of 384 beneficiaries who were surveyed using a questionnaire. The results indicated that the JUNTOS program had a significant influence on chronic malnutrition (Sig.=0.013, chi-square=8.508, Nagelkerke=0.026) and school dropout (Sig.=0.02, chi-square=5.63, Nagelkerke=0.020) among the beneficiaries. It is concluded that the JUNTOS program significantly reduced chronic malnutrition and school dropout rates by 2.6% and 2.0% respectively in the Apurimac region. Future policy efforts must expand CCT initiatives to similar regions in Peru.

Author Biographies

Rocio Cahuana Lipa, Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes (UTEA), Peru

Lecturer at Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes (UTEA), Peru

Maria Elena Perez Ccasa, Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes (UTEA), Peru

Lecturer at Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes (UTEA), Peru

Julio Cesar Machaca Mamani, Universidad Nacional de Cañete (UNDC), Peru

Lecturer at Universidad Nacional de Cañete (UNDC), Peru

Eloyza Perez Ccasa, Graduate School Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Peru

PhD Graduate School Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Peru

Johel Cárdenas Solano, Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes (UTEA), Peru

Lecturer at Universidad Tecnológica de los Andes (UTEA), Peru


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How to Cite

Cahuana Lipa, R., Perez Ccasa, M. E., Machaca Mamani, J. C., Perez Ccasa, . E., & Cárdenas Solano, . J. (2024). Conditional cash transfer program, child malnutrition and school dropout in the high Andean region of Peru. Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 5(4), e24063.



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