Influence of FG Vega Technique on students’ academic performance in science 8
FG Vega technique, academic performance, traditional teachingAbstract
This study was conducted to determine the influence of the FG Vega technique on students' academic performance to address the least learned competency in Science 8. Seventy students from Grade 8 classes served as respondents of the study. The study employed a quasi-experimental method. The mean score of students who took the post-test is 32.03 and 27.57 respectively for the experimental and control group. The results can be gleaned that the score of each student in the experimental group has a little variation of mean with 6.71 as compared to the control group with a variation of 7.52. The results can be observed that the mean score of students in the pre-test under the control group is 8.80 and 11.34 under the experimental group. Thus, the results of the study can be further concluded that the students under the experimental group outperformed the students in the control group. Since the significant level is lesser than the p-value of 0.05, indicates that there is a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test under the experimental group. Hence, there is a significant difference between the post-test of the experimental and control group.
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