Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Pluralism and open science

					View Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Pluralism and open science

We live in a dynamic and interconnected world, which currently faces major transformations in its social, political and economic relations. Historically, science has been one of the main drivers for  development and progress, being essential in solving many human problems of the most diverse natures. Today, our world faces a difficult situation due to a global health crisis, with limitations and closed geographical borders between nations, in addition to constant ideological disputes and their consequences in episodes of violence and intolerance.

This whole picture represents the difficult "new normal" that humanity must face. Therefore, in order to promote the pluralism of ideas and to promote access to knowledge without social exclusion, Sapienza: International Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies is inaugurated. In this first edition, we opened a space for critical scientific dissemination for researchers from all over the world, hoping to be able to publish original ideas that contribute to humanity's stock of knowledge.


All articles published by SIJIS v.1 n.1, Oct-Dec, were archived on the Internet Archive.


Published: 2020-12-01